Saturday, March 25, 2006

Wow can you believe it??? there are only 7 days left of my undergrad career..

Wow 7 days.. seems unreal to me.. just yesturday i was unpacking my frosh kit with my mom and dad in # 70 in the Colombia Lake townhouses. In a blink of an eye, all those years, all that knowledge, everything.

we are all doing such wonderfully beautiful things.. we all have so much to offer, so much to explore, so much to live for. Our lives change constantly, except what most people don't seem to realize is that it changes in direct correlation to the things we do. Those things may be due to chance, but overall we are just hitting the first domino in a long string of dominos.

Last night was the End of Term dinner that i was mostly responsible for. It was a huge success and i can say with all honestly that it was one of the best i have ever been to, and it isn't just cause i organized it.. it truely was. I guess all that anxiousness paid off.. that and all the stress..

and the greatest part of the whole night was that i finnally was crowned.. hahaha and in my own mind i was queen.. hahaha.. for some it is inner strenght and passion, for me the tiara is a must.. the inner me was crowned.. i know have the iron will and get to sit and wave at people.. hehe.. slash soo not.. but whateves..

So last night was a total success.. while most of the exec didn't end up helping out, we all still had a good time, finished decorating and finished doing everything else that needed to be done before everyone started to come in. Thanks to all those who helped out.. i appreciate it thoroughly.. the funnies part of the whole night was that the actual in writting organizer asked me" what do you need me to do?" i successfully didn't laugh in her face.. which i think is a good thing.. :P... the other funny part was trying to teach mike bhanghra (sp?)... poor white kid.. not all that co-ordinated.. hehe.. t'is ok i love him anyways..

Once EOT ended it hit me.. a week left and no more classes.. i guess we just gotta savor what we ahve left, and try to spend as much time with those that mean a lot to us before we leave.. before I leave.. before life takes over and the winds of time take us in which ever direction it decides to blow in..



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