Monday, July 17, 2006

Crap... hahahaha

So here is an exceptionally funny story.. Although I think that you definatly had to be there...

So we (my dad, brother and I) decided one morning to go to Yokohama for a visit. I should mention that it is blasted hot in Japan... like so hot you would walk out of the hotel and be drenched in sweat before you took a step, like as soon as the doors opened. It was just so humid and it clung to you and made you sweat to your bones.

Anyway, so we decided while we were in Yokohama to take a boat cruise around the harbor and ended up at this little part that was kinda like the central park in New York. So as soon as we disembarked from the boat we spotted an AM/PM - no joke that is what the store was called. My brother, having counted all the change in his pocket announced we had enough to buy ice cream with the change (and since the goal was to get rid of all out change my dad just smiled and said go check it out and see if they have any there).

I have to mention that we would only buy the Hagen diaz.. .it was like 893 yen for 6 little containers of ice cream.. so not worth it if you take in the exchange rate.. at about 100 yen : 1 CND dollar... anyway, so my brother goes in and comes back carring a bag with out ice cream. So we sit in the park by this water fountain (that happened to be given to Yokohama by the people of San Diago (why we have no clue) and was the Water God).

As we were eating the ice cream, this pigeon comes up and starts hanging around my dad... quietly waiting for a drip or a crumb (dumb bird... ) So my dad kicks out his leg and the pigeon went nuts.. Like it started flapping its leg and doing the equivalent to a dog barking.. sqwaking and stuff like it belonged in a rubber room...

It finally calmed down landed about a yard away from us, calmly lifted its leg and shot a stream of bird shit onto the ground... so we sit there stare at it for like 2 minutes calmly eating out ice cream and then i turn to my dad and say, just as calmly "Daddy, you scared the shit out of that bird!"...

Hahaha.. oh my god we died we were laughing soo hard there were tears running down our cheecks.. hahaha

the best part was that night we went out for dinner with my mom's co-workers and her boss (the CEO incumbent) and i was telling my mom the story and they all thought it was soo funny... here were all were in this really expensive dinner talking about scaring the shit out of pigeons.. hahaha

You definatly had to be there :).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww....when you told me there was going to be a story of icecream and pigeon shit..i was hoping for something like

welll...we were walking down this park..and i was licking my cookies an cream icecream..when all of a sudden i was ...this icecream tastes like shit.. and then my brother was like...didnt you just get vaniolla icecream... and it turned out a pigeon shat on my icecream...hence the black an white.. :P

that would have been sooo much better

but that was still a good story ;)

8:35 PM  

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