Thursday, May 25, 2006

Good God...

So the insomnia has come back... all that goes through my head are questions... constantly questions.

I am soo tired... exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally... and as a result I keep saying things I never ment to say outloud, never ment to think, feel, act, express....

I need... I wish I knew...

If I knew i wouldn't be in this predicament, this limbo between the surreal and the real.

I just.. I just don't know anymore....


Monday, May 08, 2006

8 Months In Review…

Since September, time has moved so quickly.. I started my last year with hopes, dreams, expectations, and a firm desire to be finished school. I actually started counting the days that I had left in hopes that it would give me motivation to be done quicker. What I didn’t count on was meeting all the wonderful people that I did or missing the University environment so much that *gasp* I am actually considering coming back next year to do a victory lap..

Fall semester went by quickly… became involved with the Ismaili’s… but not so much that I was involved with the politics… It was a nice change. However, they made me rides co-ordinator and that was the worst experience of my life.. I think I was in tears every single Friday in frusteration, annoyance and general pissiness because things weren’t going the way I needed them too. I spent a total of 6 hours every Friday (a good thing I had it off) doing rides. I hated it passionately. I also didn’t do too well in school, I was still chilling too much and didn’t really know what I wanted to do.. I think procrastination was my main focus as well as a shitty exam schedule.

I also met some wonderful people, wood and all of her friends, some of my friend’s friends, more ismaili’s and realized that the person with whom I thought I had feelings for, was a complete asshole.. and refused to talk to him.. which was nice.. and not nice..

There were some fun events too.. Winterfest was a lot of fun.. driving down to Ottawa in 4 hours, while Wood slept peacefully, meeting her entire family, driving back following a cop car… All fun memories…

It was also this semester that I started to go to khane every Friday. Which is something that I enjoyed thoroughly. It gave me a place to think, to relax, to find the answers to the problems I had…To be social and meet other people, I never knew existed and who didn’t know I existed.

All in all a pretty good term in terms of social ness, but not in terms of marks..

Second semester started after a one week break. (it was literally a week.. which sucked ass soo badly). This was the semester of a life time..

I met soo many wonderful people, PC, CP/WB, MK, CK, Phil, etc.. I also found out that people who I thought were my friends, weren’t to be trusted. My entire friendship belief was shaken.. I started hanging out with other people and formed a new, more fun group of people. More and more people started to recognize me, wanted to chill with me and I was introduced to so many more people through PC…

Also it was discovered that two of the people who came to be some of my closest friends, had mothers who knew my mother before we were all born and went to school with each other at some point.. haha.. that was quite the discovery to which I found exceptionally remarkable simply because now we were all going to school together and had become friends through miraculous and interesting circumstances.

This was the semester most of my nicknames came from, lollipop, LP, candy maa, mummyji, etc. I became known as everyones mother. Although I do have to say that having children before I was even born is quite the feat divine conception and all that.. .. lemme tell ya :P! I guess it is my nature and I actually love it.. I baby everyone.. even my “Ex-husband” (got the divorce) became my child and now considers me his mother.. which I have got to tell ya is a little bit weird to say anything at all about it..
I also got very sick a few times… Was sick in bed for 2 weeks before reading week, and then during exams with pneumonia.. which I am still recovering from.. Although I do have to tell ya, that with allergies and my migraines starting up this summer doesn’t look too hot either..

I also did remarkable better in school over all this semester raising my overall average by 5%... All that hard work living at the SLC and DC paid off I guess.. Was offered a full time job, which I accepted, and was then told that the facility was shutting down, but given another one, to which I turned down for a whole bunch of reasons.

End of term was a success and my baby. I pulled off a pretty good night, I have got to say. We made even which was even better. Although the politics behind it still make me want to scream… and not being an official exec member was a pain in the behind.. it was the most amount of fun pulling off an event that a lot of people still say is best one they have gone to…

And in the end 4 months flew by like the speed of light.. it takes more time to blink.. All that time, all those memories and really 8 months and especially the last 4 just sped past.

So here’s to the most amazing friends I have ever met (the boyz), doing well in school, responsibilities, chilling, religious discussions, finding oneself, khane, shopping, family, recovering old friendships, confidents, memories, the good and the bad, the late night soccer, studying in the SLC, DC, RCH, pretending to study at home, REV, and going out for dinners, lunches, breakfasts, coffee, Tim’s, being comfortable in another presence to just sit and not say anything, to be asked what is wrong, and to ask what is wrong, fights, debates, friendly discussions, discussions for discussions sake, for points, for the sake of hearing your own voice and for hearing someone elses, running into people on campus, group dinners, people coming over, bbq’s, to knowing and not knowing what I’m doing for the rest of my life, to everyone who has become my family and my life and a lifetime of experiences gathered by the people I love, who love me and will forever be in my heart, my mind and my thoughts.

And just think in another month, I will be graduated on the same day I turn 22, it isn’t over yet.. not even close..

Love ya all and miss ya all daily!
~ Lp

Friday, May 05, 2006

What can I say? This year was packed full of crazy activities, friends, moments (not all of which were good) and the good as well as the bad.

I'll post more later, when I have gotten my life a little more under control.. but for now I just wanted to say:

Thank you all so very much for being my family, my life for as long as I have known you all. You can't know how much it means to me.